A Few Words

About Me

My story so far...

I was born in New York City but spent most of my life in Europe, mainly France, before moving to the United States. The constant traveling was due to my parents’ profession — they were flamenco dancers. I remember spending a lot of time in libraries and bookstores, feeding my mind with stories while my parents rehearsed. Maybe that’s where I picked up my love for words and storytelling.
Once we settled in the United States, I led a somewhat “normal” life. I attended Cornell University, where I earned a B.A. in Psychology, but it wasn’t until much later that I “discovered” writing as my passion, and made a commitment to follow my bliss.
After completing a year of service as a literacy leader in the Americorps program, I became a story analyst for actor-producer Edward James Olmos, and later a development executive for an independent production company.
I’ve been a writer for over 20 years now with various degrees of success — an option here, a couple of contest finalists and winners there, an indie development deal, many writing and script-doctoring assignments, a TV spot for a Coca-Cola campaign — and of course, my first published book, The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, which ignited my unplanned teaching and consulting career, and my second book, Writing for Emotional Impact. Since then, I contributed to two other books on the craft, Now Write! Screenwriting and Cut to the Chase.
In between teaching and consulting, I keep busy script doctoring for other writers, directors and producers when the work comes my way, while developing my own scripts, having about ten projects in various stages of development (if only I had more time!).
Stay tuned!

Let me help you take your script to the next level.