Great dialogue is a crucial factor in making your characters leap off the page and attracting A-list talent to a script. But writing authentic, sparkling, well-crafted dialogue that entertains the reader is the ultimate challenge for writers, who otherwise may have solid script elements, and yet are bound to fail because of flawed dialogue. In this webinar, you will learn practical approaches to raising the bar for your dialogue.
Join UCLA instructor and bestselling author Karl Iglesias as he showcases advanced techniques designed to significantly improve the dialogue in your current project, including how to turn flat and predictable dialogue into sizzling and entertaining dialogue, how to develop a distinct voice for each character, how to weave in exposition without losing the reader’s interest, and how to add depth, emotion, and meaning through subtext.
– The high standards of great dialogue and its function in scenes
– The most common dialogue problems and how to fix them
– The crucial difference between active and passive dialogue
– How to turn flat, predictable speech into sparkling dialogue
– How to craft a distinct voice for each character
– How to weave in exposition without boring the reader
– How to add depth, emotion and meaning through subtext